FileVisFlag lets you find out whether a file's icon is visible on the desktop.
FileVisFlag can be used together with SetFile* to alter the characteristics of a file.
Other XCMDs of potential interest include FileName*, reNameFIle*, changeFileType*, & FileCreator*.
Q: Who invented me?
A: Larry Wolfarth
2133 N. Lincoln St.
Arlington, VA 22207
Q: Any limitations on my use?
A: Just mention the name of my creator in a visible place if you use this XCMD for commercial purposes. [Note: My creator is not a lawyer, but my creator's wife is....]
Q: What if you don't like me?
A: You may (1) write the author & ask for the source code, (2) grumble but continue to use the XCMD as is, or (3) forget the whole thing. HOWEVER, you may NOT complain: you got what you paid for....
Reading suggestion: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, by Ed Tufte (Graphics Press)--opinionated views on such matters as the use of color in diplay graphics, what makes an effective (and useless) graph, etc. Warning: Tufte has no use for pie charts....
••Note from Steve Drazga, Editor DevStack
I would like to publicly thank Larry for sending in this contribution & supporting the Developer Stack. It was especially nice the way he formatted his contribution so all I had to do was paste it into the new issue. Way to go, Larry!
-- part contents for background part 7
----- text -----
Returns "Visible" or "inVisible"or "Error" [+ an explanation]